Public Works is located at 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains, New York 10601.
Directions to 148 Martine Ave.
Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Closed for national holidays
(914) 995-2548
(914) 995-4479
Hugh J. Greechan, Jr., P.E. Commissioner
(914) 995-2546
Gayle M. Katzman, P.E. First Deputy Commissioner |
(914) 995-2613 |
Hernane De Almeida, P.E. Deputy Commissioner |
(914) 995-2577 |
Anthony Finateri Director of Administrative Services
(914) 995-2541
Chithra Rodrigo Personnel Issues
(914) 995-2543
Ralph Hanson Head Automotive Mechanic
(914) 995-6230
Raymond 'Jay' Haviland Motor Equipment Service Foreman |
(914) 995-6231 |
Building Operations
David Fazio Superintendent of Buildings - White Plains
(914) 995-2593
Ed Duffy Superintendent of Buildings - Valhalla Campus
(914) 231-1288
John Baudille Superintendent of Buildings & Lease Buildings
(914) 995-2247
Engineering Design and Construction
Leah Radko, P.E. Director/Project Manager
(914) 995-2471
Nadia Savage, P.E. Director of Construction
(914) 995-5052 |
Road Maintenance
Victor Cottini Superintendent of Road Maintenance
(914) 995-4951
Trever Zwahlen Assistant Superintendent of Road Maintenance
(914) 995-4951
Barbara Peters-DeMeo Program Admin. Traffic Safety
(914) 995-2271
Roger Griffith Program Coordinator (Traffic Engineering)
(914) 995-2555